| MORE THAN 60.000 PINBALL LEDs IN STOCK, 13 colors RUBBER, advice, friendly prices |
 Drop price on quantity ! 50 LEDs or more to obtain an automatic discount 10% OFF all orders over 80€ with a mix of LEDs and pinball rings titan (20 or more) !
We are now retailer of titan pinball rings ! we have the largest choice of pinball rings and rubbers with 13 differents colors ! You can full custom your machines with brillants colors like Glow in the dark of pink for exemple ^^ 
FlipperLED.com wish you welcome !
Since 2013, you can find here a large selection of pinball LED ! There is a description, pictures in condition and an advice on each product.
Free Shipping for all orders over 50€ for a section of some European countries.
If you have any question, please send us an email
*Ready to install the last bulb on your pinball machines ?
Yann Planson Flipperled.com